Ralph Peters writes: .
..when Sunni suicide bombers murdered 118 Shia pilgrims (and wounded almost 200 more) on Tuesday, Sunnis around the globe looked away: Shias only count as Muslims when America can be blamed for their suffering.[...]
The Sunni Arab campaign against Shias isn't just a struggle for political advantage: It reflects an impulse to genocide. And it makes a grim joke of claims of Muslim unity.
He notes that the suicide bombers that murdered the Shia pilgrims were Saudi. The Saudis, despite the thinly veiled bribes they offer in the form of future lucrative consulting gigs and lavish endowments etc for the Washington DC nomenklatura and many of its institutions (if you haven't read Bob Baer's Sleeping with the Devil yet, there's never a better time than the present, and note especially the parts expunged by our erstwhile intelligence establishment no doubt to avoid embarrassing our so called "Saudi friends") are still promoting radical Sunni Islam and inciting hatred towards everyone else - Christians, Jews, Anamists, Shia, Buddhists, gays, etc - at every turn.
To the Saudi royal family, dead Shias aren't tragedies - they're trophies. One almost expects those bloated, bigoted princes to organize Shia-hunting safaris the way they slaughter endangered species when vacationing in impoverished African countries (been there, seen that).
Bloated, bigoted and lavishly fueling their corruption and hatred mongering with proceeds from the biggest pot of oil on the planet. The al Saud family sits on one quarter (you read that right, 25%, one family) of the world's oil reserves. And boy are they putting their oil money to effective use.
the Saudis are waging a propaganda campaign to convince American opinion-makers that they're our best pals in the whole, wide world.
It works. An honorable elder statesman I respect recently got suckered during a junket to Saudi Arabia. He left Riyadh convinced he'd been sitting down with our indispensible allies.
Well, the view I've seen with my own eyes - in dozens of Muslim and mixed-faith countries - is of Saudi money spent lavishly to divide struggling societies, to block social and educational progress for Muslims and to preach deadly hatred toward the West.
Until 9/11, the Saudis got away with their extremist filth in this country, too. And Saudi-funded mosques here still seek to prevent Muslims from integrating into American society.
The Saudis, not the Iranians, are the worst anti-American hate-mongers in the world today. When our dignitaries visit Prince Bandar and his buddies, they get the (literal) royal treatment. But in the slums of Mombasa or Cairo, in Lahore, Delhi and Istanbul, the Saudis do everything in their power to make Muslims hate us.
[...]Our relationship with the Saudis reminds me of the scene in the film "The Shining" when Jack Nicholson's character imagines he's embracing a beautiful woman only to open his eyes and find himself smooching a decomposing corpse. It's time for Washington's Saudi-lovers to open their eyes.
We couldn't have said it better.