Thailand is known for its beautiful beaches and friendly people. How many people though are aware that radical Islam has set its sites on this lovely country?
"Twenty-five beheadings -- including 10 already this year -- have been reported in southern Thailand since an Islamic-inspired insurgency erupted in 2004, claiming more than 2,200 lives."
Here is the story of one brutal murder in the name of Islam: "Mohama Waekaji ...walked one cool morning to a rice mill, carrying a knife and following orders from a guerrilla commander to behead the 72-year-old Buddhist owner. He asked the elderly man, Juan Kaewtongprakam, for some rice husks. As he turned to collect them, Waekaji says, he slashed the blade through the man's neck."
What kind of vicious people would do such a thing? What kind of people would market and propogate this behavior? What kind of people would promise one 72 virgins in heaven for brutalizing another human being? "Thai authorities say jihad videos from the Middle East, captured from rebel training camps, may be inspiring young men like Waekaji. One clip said to have come from Iraq shows a woman lying on her side on a patch of grass as a man slowly cuts her throat with a long knife. Blood spurts from the wound, the screaming finally stops and her head is completely severed."
Simply evil.