Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qarahawi would like the Kurds to join in the melee on the side of the so-called opressed Sunnis of Iraq. Yeah, because the Sunni dominated dictatorship of Saddam Hussein just treated the Kurds oh so well. Sheikh Yousuf must have clean forgotten about Halabja.
"I call upon our Kurdish brothers, I call upon Jalal Al-Talabani, Mas'oud Al-Barazani, and the Islamic and national Kurdish leaders... I call upon them to fulfill their duty – first of all, through mediation. They should mediate between the two sides. They constitute an
influential force. They hold the posts of president and foreign minister, and
they have significant power. They should mediate. "If two parties of believers
fight one another, make peace between them. And if one party acts unjustly
towards the other, fight the one acting unjustly, until it complies with
Allah's command." This is Allah's decree to the nation. The Kurds are now
required to take this stand. If their mediation is rejected, they must fight
the party that acts unjustly. In my opinion, the Sunnis will not reject this
mediation, because they are the oppressed ones. They are the ones being
attacked. They are the ones being expelled from their homes. They are the ones
whose mosques are being plundered. They are the ones who are being kidnapped
from their homes. They are the ones whose decapitated heads are rolling in the
streets. They are the ones who are severely tortured before being killed. They
are the ones who suffer these tragedies. If the Shiite brothers reject [the
mediation], the Kurds are required to support the oppressed."
Sheikh Yousuf also conveniently appears to have forgotten who started the bloodbath in Iraq. A brief glimpse at news archives might serve to remind him that the Shi'a swallowed quite a bit of Sunni murder and mayhem before finally having enough and hitting back. MEMRI link also contains video.