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Garduneh Mehr

These MEK guys are generally hated by the Iranian population. They are perhaps best described as Marxist-Islamists. In 1978-79, these guys murdered four Americans working in Iran. I remember them openly collaborating with Khomeini during 1979 to bring the Islamic Republic to power. After the so-called revolution succeeded they had a falling out with Khomeini since he refused to share power with them; and the two factions started mass-murdering each other. ]This is of course exactly of a peace with the Soviet-German pact of 1939.]
Owing to their socialist-Islamist leanings they found shelter in Saddam's Iraq and sided with him during the Iran-Iraq war. And in fact, they were there until the U.S.-led coalition caught up with them.

The Kurds have charged some of their leadership with crimes against humanity.

These bastards are NOT an umbrella for ANYTHING other than their own worthless selves.
Incidentally, a couple of years ago the Government of Canada also declared them a terrorist group.

Please pardon my language, but these guys really tick me off.

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