Now would not be the time to plan a romantic getaway to Egypt. Authorities have fined two young Egyptians in Cairo have been fined £E100 ($17.50) each for the crime of kissing in public during the holy month of Ramadan. They were each found guilty of offending public morals when they kissed in broad daylight on the banks of the Nile.
This harmless act was simply between friends greeting each other. The man, aged 25, argued in his defense that his 21-year-old friend was a colleague whom he regarded as a "sister" and with whom he would exchange a kiss every time their paths crossed.
Im Ahmed from Egypt,yes kissing in the public is a crime in Egypt coz Egypt is Islamic country thats not about Ramadan,this rules in all the time of the year,whatever the man see the girl like his sister or not,if he kiss her thats it and nobody in the street know that she is his sister,maybe you will not understand what im talking about but thats the rules.
Posted by: ahmEd_H | Oct 18, 2006 at 17:04