An old friend in Montgomery sent us a heads up that Monday was proclaimed "Stand with Israel Day" in the State of Alabama by Governor Bob Riley. Nice enough, so we got ourselves a copy of the Proclamation:
WHEREAS, the Jewish people have been subject to acts of terror throughout their long history, including the Holocause of the Nazi terror regime; and
WHEREAS, in 1943, in the midst of World War II, at a time of war against the Axis powers and their effort to exterminate the Jews of Europe through mass murder, Alabama led nation as the first state in America to officially call for the establishment of a Jewish homeland; and
WHEREAS, that official call was in a unanimous Joint Resolution, Act 144, SJ 4, 1943 Regular Session of the Alabama Legislature approved and signed by the Governor of Alabama on June 10, 1943; and
WHEREAS, more than five decades the State of Israel has been America's chief democratic ally in the Middle East, in an alliance based on shared values and shared interests; and
WHEREAS, in the wake of September 11, 2001, the Alabama Legislature unanimously passed a second Joint Resoluion, Act 258, SJR 85, 2002 Regular Session urging national support for the State of Israel and expressing Alabama's unequivocal support for the Sate of Israel against the senseless acts of terror; and
WHEREAS, the State of Israel and its people remain the target of terrorist activities; and
WHEREAS, Hezbollah and Hamas terror organizatios have recently launched attacks on sovereign Israeli land, killing and wounding Israeli soldiers and innocent citizens; and
WHEREAS, the State of Alabama hereby proclaims her support of the State of Israel in its need to maintain its existence as a county and a democracy, standing with Israel as a state, as a nation, and as a people against terrorism and tyranny and for the cause of freedom and democracy in the Middle East and around the world:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Bob Riley, Governor of Alabama, do hereby proclaim August 14, 2006, as STAND WITH ISRAEL DAY in the State of Alabama.
Given Under My Hand and the Great Seal of the Office of the Governor at the State Capitol in the City of Montgomery on the 11th day of August 2006.