Frida Ghitis, who writes about world affairs for The Miami Herald, really gets it when it comes to understanding the Hamas-Fatah 'Prisoners Document'. This is a must read.
She says the document "offers a stunning display of vagueness on what some perceive as concessions, combined with absolute specificity on points that Israel has consistently rejected over years of negotiations." Clearly, the document does not recognize Israel's right to exist, it demands a "right of return" which would destroy Israel as a Jewish state, and enshrines the legitimacy of Palestinian terrorism. Hardly a two-state solution!
One thing that Ghitis fails to point out is that the document creates the means by which Hamas would ultimately take over the PLO and that any agreements would be dependant upon the approval of the PNC (the parliament of the Palestinian diaspora), of which Hamas would dominate, or the Hamas-led PLC. Here's the bottom line: instead of Hamas moving closer to Abbas, Abbas has given in to Hamas.