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In France this attempt could best be descibed as "une failure miserable".

Tout les bloggeurs francais surfent le web ...

Muslim Nutcase

Since ahmadinejad has decided to ban Western words in iran, I look forward to him banning Western technology as well - electricity (US), computers (US), modern medicine (US & Europe), nuclear science (US), television (US), radio (US), the telephone (US), airplanes (US), automobiles (US), tanks (US & Europe), artillery (Europe), the Internet (US), Western dress (which he still wears), eyeglasses (US - nasrallah seems to be fond of them), indoor plumbing (Ancient Rome), the printing press (Europe), calculus (Europe), Newtonian physics (Europe), chemistry (Europe), etc. I don't see 'iran' in that list... so what will they be left with?? Camels, sand, and terrorism?? Perhaps their lunatic leader has hit on a solution to the trouble the Middle East keeps exporting to the rest of the world - take away their Western technology and education, and they will reduced to their natural, barbaric state, completely impotent to export or implement their terrorism and backwords, hateful ideology that has no place in Western society.

Joe Example

Quite similar to the silliness in the US that happened a few years ago: "french fries" became "freedom fries", etc.:


I think the whole world seems to have a problem when it comes to dealing with a creative society. envy comes to mind.

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