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Hamas knows Israel won't accept this, they are trying to provoke a reaction from Israel that they hope the rest of the world, (which let's face it isn't too fussed at the way Israel is handling this situation right now), will categorically condemn Israel. They rely on people's ignorance of the history of this conflict, people's tendency to look just at what's happening now and react to that, and the very loud, but increasingly irrelevant, anti-west western media.

I think they're going to find out the west has had it with them. The fact that they're associated with Syria is not helping them (and vice versa).

What is it with the Muslim's that they have to take other people's experiences/history for themselves. They've re-written Jesus Christ's place over the Christian interpretation, they've claimed Jewish religious sites as they're own. And now they want to claim the haulocaust (despite they're own involvement with the nazi war crimes). Pity they didn't have social workers in Mohammed's time, he needed one.

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