Sources tell us that a U.S. - European draft Security Council statement is being finalized, and Russia and China have to yet to respond. The idea is to present the draft to all members of the Security Council by Monday.
The draft includes a trigger of 14 days to comply, after which Iran could face further action under Chapter 7 of the Security Council - i.e. sanctions. This is obviously still in negotiations, as the Russians and Chinese will more than likely not be agreeable to certain terms.
The draft bases itself on previous IAEA resolutions, and expresses specific concern about Iran's conversion, enrichment, and weaponisation activities. We're told that one point in the draft reads as follows:
Call upon Iran immediately: to re-establish full, sustained and verifiable suspension of all enrichment related and reprocessing activities, including research and development, to be verified by the IAEA, and specifically including the manufacture and import of gas centrifuges and their components, the assembly, installation, testing or operation of gas centrifuges, work to undertake any plutonium separation or to construct or operate any plutonium separation installation, and all tests or production at any uranium conversion installation; to halt the construction of a heavy water reactor; to act in accordance with, ratify promptly and implement in full the Additional Protocol; and to implement transparency measures, as requested by the Director General, which extend beyond the formal requirements of the Safeguards Agreement and Additional Protocol, and include such access to individuals, documentation relating to procurement, dual use equipment, certain military-owned workshops and research investigations.