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The coments that hurt me was how Iran would arm all other third world nations with nukes. It was so backward a--ed crazy that I had to mow grass just to think about such an influence that would be on the world.

What we need is a Proliferation SF with authority all the time to be granted power to remove soverign power over a state that is persuing WMD and can go get those at any time with approval but not have to wait on an actual event for it to work. How sublime and orwellian. But true.

If you want a nuke, I want to know why. If you want Bio weapons or Hybrid chem, I want to know why. You are approaching an age where this is pocket material for people and it is not a good thing. Mind you, God did not develop any of it so the rest is up to you.

I want all nukes put into the ground. But the US will be last.

We are either going up or down with all of this so someone better decide because I will not wait forever.

Technology alone scares me and with this kind of advance, I wonder how far it can go. Advanced people use larger weapons in the universe and that affects many things. The line must be drawn soon but I do not think the UN is up to the task. Anyway, just a friday morning rant.

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